Elk Packaging carefully considers the insights of notable publications. Presented below are articles highlighting our distinctive packaging and advanced printing techniques.

Elk Packaging’s Customer BAR-U-EAT First to Offer first BPI-Certified Compostable Bar Wrappers in the US
The film structure is a lamination of a cellulosic-based film and a compostable sealant web with LLDPE properties. The commercially compostable plant-based materials come from a wood cellulose from FSC-certified, sustainably managed forests and corn.

Elk Packaging’s Customer Vikings & Goddesses Swaps to Compostable Film for Frozen Bakery Products
Vikings & Goddesses Pie Company is now packaging its frozen baked products in compostable film packaging, aligning with sustainability values of both the brand and its customers.

Elk Packaging’s Customer Numi Tea Launches Compostable Overwrap for Tea Bags
Listening to the stakeholders behind this determined effort is a vivid reminder of how many factors must be weighed before a compostable film can be commercialized.

Elk Packaging’s Customer Vikings and Goddesses adopts compostable packaging for frozen bakery products
Minnesota, USA-based Vikings and Goddesses wholesale bakery has switched to compostable packaging sourced from Elk Packaging, which uses Futamura’s high barrier cellulose film layer NatureFlex.

Elk Packaging’s Customer Vikings & Goddesses Adopts Compostable Packaging Solution
The Vikings & Goddesses Pie Company has adopted a new kind of packaging for its frozen products to help the brand shift towards greater sustainability.

Ellen MacArthur Foundation co-winner Elk Packaging Create a compostable polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) made from agricultural byproducts and food waste
Californian startup Full Cycle Bioplastics, along with partners Elk Packaging and Associated Labels and Packaging, have created a compostable polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) made from agricultural byproducts and food waste.

Elk Packaging among winners of The Ellen MacArthur Foundation VTT award for a bio-based packaging solution that reduces the use of plastics
The Ellen MacArthur Foundation awarded VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland for a packaging solution made of cellulose in Davos on 23 January 2018. VTT is one of the five prize winners, between whom the foundation splits a one-million-dollar prize in equal shares.